Friday, May 2, 2014

John Mark has an easy infectious smile.  It invites you in and captivates you.  He also appears to be a magician - he is beside you one moment, and the next he has disappeared.  Only to reappear as suddenly as he vanished.  While we visited the Haven for the Elderly on our second day at the resort I first noticed that he has this talent - one minute by my side, and the next minute riding a bicycle past me!  First off, who would have imagined a bicycle at a home for the elderly.  Secondly, this boy, like many boys I know seemed to have a knack for spying any object that has wheels.  And, much to his credit he did request to ride the bike from its owner.

Words that describe this boy include, perceptive, moving quickly with little fanfare, and always wearing that smile of his!  He loves new experiences - whether learning new dance moves, jumping into the water with a somersault, driving an atv, or trying new foods.  This young man is all about getting all the gusto he can from life.  He would make a wonderful son, especially for a family who loves to see an active, eager young boy explore new activities.  

John Mark deserves a family - it seems we take that for granted - isn't it a basic right of each of us?  I hope that he can share that twinkle in his eye with a family soon.  

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